Saturday, January 18, 2014

Goals and Resolutions

New Year's resolutions are silly things, usually tossed away before even February arrives. But if there's one thing I'm sure of about myself, I am motivated by a goal. I always have lists. To do lists, shopping lists, things to think about for the future, recipes to try, on and on. It's my go to organization strategy for both work and personal progress. It's the only way I can keep track of all the things rattling around in my head without going crazy. And so often, nothing feels better than crossing items off those lists, so why not do it more?!

For some reason though, I have never made New Year's resolutions. Well, not since the half-hearted "this is the year I quit smoking!" from so long ago (that was so long ago, it feels like another life time). 

Lately for work we are doing the yearly review and goal setting process, and I thought that when done right, it's so helpful. Why not try something similar for personal goals? 

With that, here are my goals for 2014: 

  • Workout/run at least 3x a week. Barring sickness of course, which we have had a lot of lately. I have been doing this consistently for a few months now, so just need to stick with it. 
  • Mother's Day Half Marathon - just finish! I kind of can't believe I am really going to do this, but I think if I can follow the training plan I will be just fine. Walking is ok, just want cross that finish line.
  •  Lose the baby weight - get back to 150. I have been really slacking here. I was letting myself have whatever I wanted while breastfeeding, and now that's over I don't need all the extra calories. It's just 10 pounds. It doesn't seem like that much, but it really brings me down sometimes.
  •  Cooking - cook more meals at home and plan ahead for the week. I need to come up with a more specific goal here, but this is one that's been nagging at me bad lately so I'm including it anyway. It's even more important now that Tilda is cramming solid food in her mouth left and right. Nutrition is important, and I want to teach her healthy eating habits from the beginning. 
  • Sewing - clean and organize the craft area, finish the blanket and top in progress, start using up fabric stash, sign up for sewing classes. I think about sewing a lot, but procrastinate out of fear and laziness. Knitting is just easier so I never get up the energy to move my butt off the couch and into the craft room.
  • Reading - one book a month. I don't set aside much time for reading, so maybe I need to schedule it. 

I think all of these things are reasonable if I keep focused. The last year has been all about baby, and that's ok. It's how it should be when they are so little. Now though, it's time to get back to other things I love, that drive me and challenge me. I'm excited to see how tracking them will help!  I'm ready, let's do this 2014!!

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